What are "themes?" / by Glen Campbell

I’m using “themes” as a mechanism to classify my photographs.

Like any classification system, it’s quite possible that any particular photograph could be placed under multiple categories. For example, many of my “Travel” photographs could also be classified as “Landscape.” However, I tend to make most of my landscape photographs whilst traveling and, to me, they evoke a sense of place as well as representing the beauty of nature.

Likewise, many of my “Street” photographs could be classified as “Travel,” since they are taken in a remote, sometimes exotic, location. I’ve chosen to group all candid photos, especially those that contain (unknown) people, under “Street” as way of representing that.

I honestly believe that there’s no right or wrong way to classify photographs; many street photos could be called architectural, and there are wildlife photos that could easily fit into the landscape category. I’m trying to keep things simple and allow some small segregation of images to help you, the viewer, find things that are of interest to you.